Help us make food transparency the norm!

As a non-profit organization, we depend on your donations to continue informing consumers around the world about what they eat.

The food revolution starts with you!


Contact the Open Food Facts team

If you have a question, comment or suggestion about Open Food Facts, you can e-mail us at

We already have answered many common questions in our FAQ

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

If you are a producer, please email us at

If you are a journalist, please email us at

Please note: Open Food Facts is a collaborative database of food products, we do not sell any product and we do not have links to their producers. For a question or complain about a product, you need to write directly to the producer (address on the product label).

You can also reach us on X (formerly Twitter): @OpenFoodFacts

And chat with the Open Food Facts members and contributors on Slack.