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List of ingredients - World

330 ingredients:

Salt 21
Olive oil 18
Vegetable oil and fat 18
Vegetable oil 18
Oil and fat 18
Virgin olive oil 17
Extra virgin olive oil 16
Dairy 14
Milk 13
Vegetable 12
Condiment 12
Spice 12
Algae 12
Added sugar 10
Shellfish 9
Seaweed 9
Mollusc 9
Sugar 8
Mussel 8
Fish 8
Disaccharide 8
Water 7
Root vegetable 7
Sea salt 7
Cane sugar 6
Fruit 6
Onion-family vegetable 6
Onion 5
Paprika 5
Vinegar 5
Fruit vegetable 4
Garlic 4
Whole milk 4
Legume 4
Flour 4
es:inulina-de-agave 4*
Sardine 3
Dextrose 3
Rice 3
Corn dextrose 3
Berries 3
Starch 3
Mackerel 3
Monosaccharide 3
Pulse 3
Stabiliser 3
Wakame 3
Juice 3
Chili pepper 3
Fruit juice 3
Glucose 3
Flavouring 3
Cow's milk 3
Natural flavouring 3
Oily fish 3
fr:Miel de châtaignier 2
Apple vinegar 2
Cider vinegar 2
Cinnamon 2
Carob bean locust bean 2
Carob seed flour 2
Potato starch 2
Cereal 2
Red chili pepper 2
E412 2
Ginger 2
fr:certifiee 2*
Semi-skimmed cow's milk 2
Semi-skimmed milk 2
es:deshidratadas 2*
Honey 2
E440a 2
Strawberry 2
Brown rice 2
Kombu 2
Corn syrup 2
Thongweed 2
Lemon juice 2
es:leche-entera-de-ganaderia 2*
es:informacion-nutricional 2*
Tuna 2
Wheat 2
Dulse 2
Taproot vegetable 1
Tea 1
Teuthida 1
Thyme 1
Tofu 1
Tomato 1
total-percentage 1*
Tree nut 1
Tuber 1
Vegetable blend 1
Vegetable fiber 1
Vitamin E 1
Wheat flour 1
Whole durum wheat semolina 1
Wine vinegar 1
Yeast 1
Yellowfin tuna 1
Yogurt 1
es:1-porcao 1*
es:1-porcion-250-ml-de-leche-desnatada 1*
es:145-kj-34-kcal-0-2-0-1-4-8-4-8-3-3-0-13-leche-de-bienestar-animal-animalwelfair-com-900-902-466 1*
es:15-01345 1*
es:2-000-kcal 1*
es:8-400-kj 1*
es:aga 1*
es:aldi-rontu-363-kj-86-kcal-1-porcao-250-ml-de-leite-magro 1*
es:aldicontigo-recicla-i-4-2406 1*
es:alga-atlantica-silvestre 1*
es:alga-atlantica-silvestre-seca 1*
es:alga-espagueti-de-mar-atlantica 1*
es:alga-lechuga-de-mar 1*
es:algarroba 1*
es:algarroba-organica 1*
es:algas-dulse 1*
es:algas-espagueti-de-mar 1*
es:algas-nori-en-copos-de-produccion 1*
es:and-the-conservation-of-all-its-nutritional-value 1*
es:apos-abertura-da-embalagem 1*
es:as-vacas-sao-alimentadas-com-pastos-y-produtos-naturais 1*
es:atun-listado 1*
es:azucar-de-cana-organica 1*
es:c 1*
es:c-e 1*
es:castafia 1*
es:categoria-a-huevos-de-tamanos-diferentes 1*
es:cattle-is-fed-with-natural-pastures-and-products-free-of-fertilizers-and-chemical-pesticides 1*
es:com-total-respeito-pelo-meio-ambiente 1*
es:conservar-en-el-frigorifico 1*
es:conservar-en-lugar-fresco-y-seco 1*
es:conservar-no-frigorifico 1*
es:conservar-num-local-fresco-y-seco 1*
es:consumir-de-preferencia-antes-de 1*
es:consumir-preferentemente-antes-del 1*
es:cuajado-de-soja 1*
es:de-las-cuales-saturadas 1*
es:de-los-cuales-azucares 1*
es:declaracao-nutricional-valor-energetico 1*
es:dioxido-de-carbono-y-conservante-metabisulfito-potasico 1*
es:dos-quais-acucares-proteinas-sal-por-100-ml-1-porcion 1*
es:dos-quais-saturados-tetra-pak-hidratos-de-carbono 1*
es:dose-de-referencia-para-um-adulto-medio 1*
es:el-tratamiento-uht-garantiza-la-larga-conservacion-de-la-leche-y-la-permanencia-de-todo-su-valor-nutritivo 1*
es:energia-grasas 1*
es:es 1*
es:escabeche 1*
es:espagueti-de-mar-de-produccion 1*
es:espana 1*
es:espanha 1*
es:esta-embalagem-contem-4-porcoes 1*
es:este-envase-contiene-4-porciones 1*
es:eucalipto 1*
es:fecula-de-patata-y-especias 1*
es:frambuesas-organicas 1*
es:fruta-preparada 1*
es:gb-ken-organic-uht-semi-skimmed-milk-comes-from-controlled-farms-which-have-an-organic-livestock-production-in-total-respect-to-the-environment 1*
es:gutbio-leche-desnatada-uht 1*
es:ingesta-de-referencia-de-un-adulto-medio 1*
es:ingredientes 1*
es:ingredientes-de-produccion 1*
es:laminaria-ochroleuca 1*
es:las-vacas-son-alimentadas-con-pastos-y-productos-naturales 1*
es:leche-de-arroz 1*
es:leche-desnatada-de-produccion-uht-origen-de-la-leche 1*
es:leche-pasteurizada-de-nuestras-vacas-y-fermentos-lacticos 1*
es:leche-pasteurizada-organica 1*
es:leche-semi-desnatada 1*
es:leche-semidesnatada-de-ganaderia-y-lactasa 1*
es:leche-semidesnatada-de-vaca-de-ganaderia 1*
es:leche-semidesnatada-de-vaca-prcedente-de-ganaderia 1*
es:leche-semidesnatada-de-vaca-procedente-de-ganaderia 1*
es:leche-semidesnatada-uht-ken-procede-de-granjas-controladas-que-producen-en-regimen-de-ganaderia-con-el-respeto-al-medio-ambiente 1*
es:lecitina-de-soja-ip 1*
es:leite-magro-de-vaca-biologica 1*
es:leite-uht-magro 1*
es:lipidos 1*
es:lote 1*
es:malva 1*
es:miso-y-tamari 1*
es:moras-organicas 1*
es:nao-tratados-com-adubos-nem-pesticidas-quimicos 1*
es:no-tratados-con-abonos-ni-pesticidas-quimicos 1*
es:origem-do-leite 1*
es:p-y-leite-meio-gordo-uht-ken-provem-de-quintas-controladas-cuja-producao-e-efectuada-em-regime-de-producao-biologica 1*
es:palmaria 1*
es:porphyra-spp 1*
es:preparada-a-partir-de-fruta-organica 1*
es:produccion 1*
es:ralladura-de-iimon 1*
es:recomenda-se-consumir-nos-3-dias-seguintes 1*
es:se-aconseja-su-consumo-en-los-3-dias-siguientes 1*
es:sidra-de-produccion-de-manzana-gallega 1*
es:soja-fermentada 1*
es:the-uht-treatment-guarantees-the-long-life-of-the-milk 1*
es:ulva-spp 1*
es:una-vez-abierto-el-envase 1*
es:undaria 1*
es:ver-en-la-parte-superior-del-envase 1*
es:ver-na-parte-superior-da-embalagem 1*
es:y-tratamento-uht-garante-uma-prolongada-conservacao-do-leite-y-a-permanencia-de-todo-y-seu-valor-nutritivo 1*
fr:15008-a-corufia-telf 1*
fr:2 1*
fr:2007 1*
fr:34-681-28-92-66 1*
fr:a-ocuma 1*
fr:algue-atlantique-spaghetti-de-mer 1*
fr:algue-laitue-de-mer 1*
fr:algue-nori 1*
fr:algue-wakame 1*
fr:Calmar géant 1
fr:castafio 1*
fr:certifiee-issu-de-l-aquaculture-certifiee 1*
fr:en-aso-de-crista 1*
fr:en-un-habitat-abundante-en-roble 1*
fr:ence-espagnole-pour-le-controle-de-la-production 1*
fr:ermita-32-pol 1*
fr:galicia-esta-miel-cruda 1*
fr:grela-bens 1*
fr:huile-d-olive-vierge-extra-vinaigre-de-cidre 1*
fr:ingredients 1*
fr:izarse 1*
fr:leche-semidesnatada-de-produccion-ecologica-uht 1*
fr:non-chauffe-miel-de-100-de-bruyere 1*
fr:oignon-dans-des 1*
fr:poids-net 1*
fr:pollen-de-chataignier 1*
fr:porphyra-spp 1*
fr:procede-de-parajes-virgenes-de-las-montafias 1*
fr:production 1*
fr:producto-de-espafia 1*
fr:produit-conformement-au-reglement-ue-834 1*
fr:provenant 1*
fr:que-obtenemos-por-centrifugado-frio 1*
fr:s-eco-022-ga 1*
fr:sauce-de-salade 1*
fr:sornetala-a-maria-anta-s-l 1*
fr:spaghetti-de-mer-et-spiruline 1*
fr:sucre-integrale-de-canne 1*
fr:tentacules-de-calmar 1*
fr:tomillo-y-multitud-de-flores-silvestres 1*
fr:tracabllite-de-la-peche-et-transformation-des-controlees-et-certifiees-par-bcs-ok-garantie 1*
fr:ulva-spp 1*
fr:zarza 1*
la:Porphyra yezoensis 1
de:117-kcal-els-cares 1*
pl:palmaria-paimata 1*
de:492 1*
de:ale 1*
de:aus-biologischem-anbau-nahrwerte-pro-100g-energie 1*
de:aus-meesale-ökologischem-le-bieleechem-anbau-khone-957-g-zer-5-baknife-2-nge-tervaaer 1*
de:baku-10-abau-81-der-landwirtschaftlichen-zutaten-and-durchsnittliche-werte-pro 1*
de:consello-regulador-da-fett 1*
de:meeresalgen 1*
de:meeresspaghetti-und-spirulina 1*
de:natives 1*
de:nichtmetallischen-better-gcankaufbewahren-und-innerhalb-von-drei-tagen-verzehren-ewe-sate-es-26-12941 1*
de:obesus 1*
de:po-hergestellt-370ml-consello-regulador-da-ecoloxica-craega-es-eco-022-ga 1*
de:t-revied-ayedonwide-fesso-fete-37s-15-s-chungsigte-fettsäure-modesten-haltbar-siehe-bodenaufdruck-not-dem-ofnen-in-einem-geschlossenen 1*
de:thunfisch-thume-chedeau 1*
Alcohol 1
Allspice 1
Animal 1
Animal protein 1
Antioxidant 1
aquaculture 1*
Beetroot 1
Beetroot juice 1
best-before-see-pack 1*
Black tea 1
Cardamom 1
Cereal flour 1
certified-by-craega-es-ec0-022-ga-allergy-advice 1*
Chicken 1
Chicken meat 1
Chocolate 1
Cider 1
Citrus fruit 1
Clove 1
Coconut 1
Coconut milk 1
Durum wheat 1
Durum wheat semolina 1
E250 1
E301 1
E330 1
Elder 1
Elderberry 1
Elderberry juice 1
Ferment 1
Fiber 1
Fruit pectin 1
Herb 1
Humboldt squid 1
Kelp 1
Lactic ferments 1
Laminaria 1
Leaf vegetable 1
Lentils 1
Lingonberry 1
Meat 1
Mediterranean mussel 1
Microbial culture 1
Milk proteins 1
Mint 1
Nori 1
Nut 1
Palmaria palmata 1
Pasteurised milk 1
Pea 1
Pea flour 1
Pistachio nuts 1
Plant 1
Pod and seed vegetable 1
Pork 1
Pork loin 1
Pork meat 1
Potato 1
Poultry 1
Preservative 1
Protein 1
Raising agent 1
see-ingredients-in-bold-net-weight 1*
Semolina 1
Skimmed cows milk 1
Skimmed milk 1
Spinach 1
Squid 1