Cashews - Alesto Selection - 200g
Ambiguous barcode: This product has a Restricted Circulation Number barcode for products within a company. This means that different producers and stores can use the same barcode for different products.
Common name: Cashewkerne naturbelassen
Quantity: 200g
Packaging: Plastic, PE 7 - Polyethylene, LDPE 4 - Low-density polyethylene, PET 1 - Polyethylene terephthalate, PP 5 - Polypropylene, Bag, OPP - Oriented PolyPropylen, de:LDPE/OPP/PET
Brands: Alesto Selection
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Nuts and their products, Nuts, Cashew nuts
Labels, certifications, awards:
Low or no salt, Vegetarian, Source of proteins, Vegan, European Vegetarian Union, European Vegetarian Union Vegan, Green Dot, High proteins, Magnesium source, No added salt, No palm oil, Packaged in Germany, Rich in unsaturated fatty acids
Origin of ingredients: sk:nepochádza z EU
Manufacturing or processing places: 52531 Übach-Palenberg, Deutschland
Stores: Lidl
Countries where sold: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
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Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by reptileee.
Product page also edited by aleene, alex-off, almendro, andreas13141, anticultist, b3nj4m1n, benbenben, bertrand-amaraggi, chevalstar, chia04, cznam, danielw, danis1597, date-limite-app, dave345, easykl, ecoscore-impact-estimator, elgamiz, elttor, estellep76, evangelopanos-hotmail-com, factfinds, ffelicz, fluff, foodrepo, foodvisor, grumpf, guezguez-majed, hangy, hashlog, hungergames, inf, intolerapp, josevidal, julie-yuka, jumati, jusdekiwi, kernbeisser, kiliweb, klaraf, lauraelcoco, macrofactor, marite, mars1810, mhk-off, mijano, mikelortega, mogwaii2002-yahoo-com, moncoachigbas, navig491, neptuno, nur, off.c0b6858a-0d64-475d-a7ed-3a949797f166, org-app-elcoco, petrisor, planteuser, prepperapp, product-scan-com, rabbani-gabriella-12, raoulvolfoni, raphael, raznaxd, rsoe, ruthstein, schanet12, sebleouf, simondot, smoothie-app, standardanalysis, sto, swipe-studio, szalac, tacite, tacite-mass-editor, telperion87, teolemon, thaialagata, twoflower, ujoelektron, vegetarianorexic, vishaldh, worldtest, yuka.R3ZrRVBKOExsT0pTc2NNbDN5M0V4UGxReHM2dmZsT05EN1FRSWc9PQ, yuka.Ri9rR1Avd29yOGszaWZCazJRdnR4dk56bktQeEJIS2xFUGNzSVE9PQ, yuka.RzZ4WktQd0xwdWNzcHNNc3hrdjg4TXdzOThPSFJsaVVjL1pLSUE9PQ, yuka.UXBvUkU2Z3RodVk2bWN4ajIwTFIrdFZ0eEtHNGVsdTVjcklESWc9PQ, yuka.UlBrUkVLQWYvK0F5dy9GaTFDR0UwZTRwbU1DWUJEeXhjck5JSVE9PQ, yuka.WWFVZEM1c1l1UGdJdmZFbDh6RDRxdDE0bXNldVEyU29KTnMvSUE9PQ, yuka.WllvZFRxZzZ0dVpTdDlzKytTamUyc0JXekphMFRGK1NLdmdOSWc9PQ, yuka.YkxBaUFyVStwZXNhaHZNaTdEendvdmxFek0rS2VtU3VOY28wSVE9PQ, yuka.YmI4a0w2QWdpY1FPaGZObXhDL0w4TmhxNHNDRERYMnNDdVF2SVE9PQ, yuka.ZmJvck9ib3hwYUVPbXZJWHB3amI2dXRSL0pEM0RXbWRMOFpLSUE9PQ, yukafix.
Last check of product page on by telperion87.