Eau de Montagne - saguaro - 1,5 l
Ambiguous barcode: This product has a Restricted Circulation Number barcode for products within a company. This means that different producers and stores can use the same barcode for different products.
Quantity: 1,5 l
Packaging: Plastic, Bottle, fr:Bouchon en plastique, fr:Bouteille en plastique
Brands: Saguaro
Categories: Beverages, Waters, Mountain products, Spring waters, Mountain waters
Labels, certifications, awards:
Organic, EU Organic, fr:Saveurs de l'Année, fr:Saveurs de l'Année 2016
Origin of ingredients: France, Mélèzes, Source Mélèzes
Traceability code: EMB 05040B - Chorges (Hautes-Alpes, France)
Stores: Lidl
Countries where sold: France
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Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by 24071967.
Product page also edited by beniben, gmlaa, halal-app-chakib, khorkaadren, kiliweb, packbot, roboto-app, teolemon, wauplin, yuka.R1lSUUlia2F1OGdYcFBRM29EVEYxb3RLeDdYd1VscTJKTkpLSVE9PQ, yuka.Ry80UVFLc0ZwZUFLby9jSDNEM3d4WU40bDRXVVFUKzJETW9iSVE9PQ, yuka.SG9RUkQ1UXVuNkVMc1BJeHdSL0sxK052OWErSFIxS3pHc0ZCSVE9PQ, yuka.WFl3Z1Bha3RyZjAwbXNObDBCYnQrZkZzNDU2RFlFaTVMOUZCSUE9PQ, yuka.WTdJbURLNGp2NkFQb3RnN3hpSEY5b3RPblp2NWVsK05kN0FMSVE9PQ, yuka.WUpGZFNxOEVsTklsbXZZOTNURHk0OVZlOW9hWGJ6L3NFN1E0SVE9PQ, yuka.YTRBNUlxRWRxZmN0eXZCajlFblAxZFF1eXFLRVIyYVpDZmNZSVE9PQ, yuka.ZExCWkZLUWNvTVV3dVBFQTlBTE4yOU41N29UeVhXMmNNY0F6SVE9PQ, yuka.ZllJTkM2Z3pwT1lza3NjVS9qYjh4WXBId3FlelhYeXpNdk5MSVE9PQ.