Bran Flakes - Crownfield - 500 g
Ambiguous barcode: This product has a Restricted Circulation Number barcode for products within a company. This means that different producers and stores can use the same barcode for different products.
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Common name: Wholegrain wheat flakes with wheat bran
Quantity: 500 g
Packaging: Plastic, Bag, Cardboard, Non-corrugated cardboard, Card-box
Brands: Crownfield, Lidl
Brand owner: LIDL
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Breakfasts, Cereals and potatoes, Cereals and their products, Breakfast cereals, Flakes, Cereal flakes, Extruded cereals, Extruded flakes, Extruded wheat flakes
Labels, certifications, awards:
Vegetarian, No artificial flavors, No artificial preservatives, Source of fibre, Green Dot, High fibres, No artificial colors, No artificial colours or flavours
Stores: Lidl
Countries where sold: Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United States
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Product added on by hangy
Last edit of product page on by fighter-food-facts.
Product page also edited by 5m4u9, anticultist, averment, brummbaer, ecoscore-impact-estimator, factfinds, foodrepo, iain, inf, iremoulis, kiliweb, loewenhertz, moon-rabbit, musarana, nouky20, october-food-facts, off.6ad05217-893f-4894-b53a-a3f320027203, off.d61ce842-4f96-4dba-9073-e3c450b6d630, openfoodfacts-contributors, org-database-usda, packbot, pietrofratantonio, quechoisir, roboto-app, s4qfbxkffg, sil, smoothie-app, strange-quark, swipe-studio, tacite, tacite-mass-editor, tardigrade, twoflower, wist, yuka.UUo0ZFNxa3RwL0kxcWNjLzNFdmIyZE1sN29PZ1lHMkhDN0FZSVE9PQ, yuka.UXZGYUZhb092TUVPb3ZjUDV5ckxvTXRIM3E2SGVIbWxCYkFUSWc9PQ, yuka.UkxFblMvNFArT0VSbjlvTXhBdk0zTnRVN1lHYllXNlREOEF4SVE9PQ, yuka.YjZzRkRxSW1yTVVVZ01jZXd6SGIwTzVFN3NHRGVHeXFKOHRNSVE9PQ, yuka.ZmJGWksvVTlyZnhYbzg4Q3d4ajV5T05NbjZPeVcxSzlEY2cvSVE9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlhdjTYPRrDHHHR36wVaMxtCOI8PQWfV_-KfqGqs, yukafix, z3r0c00l.