Douceurs d'asperges - Knorr® - 96 g e
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Unilever France.
3011360083302(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Soupe déshydratée d'asperges, aromatisée.
Quantity: 96 g e
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Fruits and vegetables based foods, Meals, Dried products, Dried products to be rehydrated, Soups, Cream soups, Dried meals, Reheatable soups, Vegetable soups, Cream of vegetable soups, Dehydrated soups, Asparagus soups, Cream of asparagus soups
Labels, certifications, awards:
No preservatives, Green Dot, No colorings, No flavour enhancer, No MSG, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade C, Triman
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: France
Stores: Magasins U, Carrefour, Bi1
Countries where sold: France
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Other information
Preparation: Pour préparer 3 bols : 1) Versez le contenu du sachet dans 750 ml d'eau froide, puis portez la soupe à ébullition en remuant avec un fouet. 2) Ramenez à feu doux et laissez mijoter 3 minutes en remuant de temps en temps. Inutile de saler. Bon appétit !
Conservation conditions: À conserver entre 2°C et 25°C
Period of time after opening:
2 days
Customer service: Knorr Relation Consommateurs, Unilever France, 20 rue des Deux Gares 92842 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex
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Data sources
The manufacturer Unilever France uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Product added on by date-limite-app
Last edit of product page on by org-unilever-france-gms.
Product page also edited by aleene, benbenben, beniben, dede57, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, fgouget, floriane-yuka, jomidan, kch, kiliweb, lorenzo59, magasins-u, marvink, moon-rabbit, naruyoko, navig491, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, roboto-app, tacite-mass-editor, unilever-france, yuka.R3FWZURKMDdvYWtKZ2ZBYy9STHgrZWt0eWFLSFVqKzZDOHdKSVE9PQ, yuka.U2FBR0lyZzdoZjRFeTg4YjUwdnQvLzVYeGIzeEFHeTlHYlF4SUE9PQ, yuka.UlA5WkNKczkrTnc3cWRwajhqN1J4SWhYNXJxdFR6eXFBZVpOSUE9PQ, yuka.WkswQUlhb2cvOTB0aE5nNTdrUHQwUGRIeDdXTlIwaXlMZWNWSWc9PQ, yuka.YW80Q09ZSTZtTWRWdDh3MDhDTHIxZko1bjdxcGN6eVdDdXhPSVE9PQ, yuka.ZEswaExMb09ucWdidGNJRDdEVFkrUEo4d1ptalkwbUdNZkFWSWc9PQ, yuka.ZHYwUERiNWRuNlliaC9FRy9CTE0wUDE4MTUyYlVVZUtKTElWSVE9PQ, yuka.ZUk4cURKOFBnYUlCbC9KaXB4SFhwOU5zeDU2YmYyQ0hCdVE5SVE9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlkVjf-bx-wP2CgDuqXKlxuyuM7fmfvt3vIagDqs, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlkxCad_lg2_qEwbvu1eWytTQEKH1cIpr0LT-Pas.