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La crème des chefs ferme et onctueuse gastronomique - President - 250 g (241 ml)

La crème des chefs ferme et onctueuse gastronomique - President - 250 g (241 ml)

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3155250349793(EAN / EAN-13)

Common name: Crème stérilisée UHT sucrée aromatisée sous pression

Quantity: 250 g (241 ml)

Brands: President

Categories: Dairies, Creams, UHT Creams, Squirty creams, Whipped cream under pressure UHT, Whipped creams

Origin of ingredients: Belgium

Traceability code: BE M183 EC

Stores: Dia, U, Supermercado Dinnos

Countries where sold: Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Switzerland

Matching with your preferences



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    Nutri-Score E

    Bad nutritional quality
    ⚠ ️Warning: the amount of fiber is not specified, their possible positive contribution to the grade could not be taken into account.
    ⚠ ️Warning: the amount of fruits, vegetables and nuts is not specified on the label, it was estimated from the list of ingredients: 0
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      What is the Nutri-Score?

      The Nutri-Score is a logo on the overall nutritional quality of products.

      The score from A to E is calculated based on nutrients and foods to favor (proteins, fiber, fruits, vegetables and legumes ...) and nutrients to limit (calories, saturated fat, sugars, salt). The score is calculated from the data of the nutrition facts table and the composition data (fruits, vegetables and legumes).


    Negative points: 19/55

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      3/15 points (11g)

      A high consumption of sugar can cause weight gain and tooth decay. It also augments the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases.

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      0/20 points (0.08g)

      A high consumption of salt (or sodium) can cause raised blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.


    Positive points: 0/10

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      0/5 points (unknown)

      Consuming foods rich in fiber (especially whole grain foods) reduces the risks of aerodigestive cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.

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      Details of the calculation of the Nutri-Score

      ⚠ ️Warning: the amount of fiber is not specified, their possible positive contribution to the grade could not be taken into account.
      ⚠ ️Warning: the amount of fruits, vegetables and nuts is not specified on the label, it was estimated from the list of ingredients: 0

      This product is not considered a beverage for the calculation of the Nutri-Score.

      This product is considered to be fat, oil, nuts or seeds for the calculation of the Nutri-Score.

      Points for proteins are not counted because the negative points greater than or equal to 7.

      Nutritional score: 19 (19 - 0)

      Nutri-Score: E

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    Nutrition facts

    Nutrition facts As sold
    for 100 g / 100 ml
    Compared to: Whipped cream under pressure UHT
    Energy 1,260 kj
    (305 kcal)
    Fat 28 g +2%
    Saturated fat 20 g +6%
    Carbohydrates 11 g +14%
    Sugars 11 g +14%
    Fiber ?
    Proteins 2.2 g +5%
    Salt 0.08 g -
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 0 %


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    8 ingredients

    cream (milk)(91%), sugar (8,5%), emulsifier: e471 (vegetable origin), stabilizer: e407, vanilla flavor, propellant gas: e942, e941,
    Allergens: Milk

Food processing

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    Ultra processed foods

    Elements that indicate the product is in the 4 - Ultra processed food and drink products group:

    • Additive: E407 - Carrageenan
    • Additive: E471 - Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
    • Additive: E941 - Nitrogen
    • Additive: E942 - Nitrous oxide
    • Ingredient: Emulsifier
    • Ingredient: Flavouring

    Food products are classified into 4 groups according to their degree of processing:

    1. Unprocessed or minimally processed foods
    2. Processed culinary ingredients
    3. Processed foods
    4. Ultra processed foods

    The determination of the group is based on the category of the product and on the ingredients it contains.

    Learn more about the NOVA classification


  • E407 - Carrageenan

    Carrageenan (E407), derived from red seaweed, is widely employed in the food industry as a gelling, thickening, and stabilizing agent, notably in dairy and meat products.

    It can exist in various forms, each imparting distinct textural properties to food.

    However, its degraded form, often referred to as poligeenan, has raised health concerns due to its potential inflammatory effects and its classification as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

    Nevertheless, food-grade carrageenan has been deemed safe by various regulatory bodies when consumed in amounts typically found in food.

  • E471 - Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids

    Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (E471), are food additives commonly used as emulsifiers in various processed foods.

    These compounds consist of glycerol molecules linked to one or two fatty acid chains, which help stabilize and blend water and oil-based ingredients. E471 enhances the texture and shelf life of products like margarine, baked goods, and ice cream, ensuring a smooth and consistent texture.

    It is generally considered safe for consumption within established regulatory limits.

  • E942 - Nitrous oxide

    Nitrous oxide: Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas or nitrous, is a chemical compound, an oxide of nitrogen with the formula N2O. At room temperature, it is a colorless non-flammable gas, with a slight metallic scent and taste. At elevated temperatures, nitrous oxide is a powerful oxidizer similar to molecular oxygen. It is insoluble in water at all temperatures. Nitrous oxide has significant medical uses, especially in surgery and dentistry, for its anaesthetic and pain reducing effects. Its name "laughing gas", coined by Humphry Davy, is due to the euphoric effects upon inhaling it, a property that has led to its recreational use as a dissociative anaesthetic. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. It also is used as an oxidizer in rocket propellants, and in motor racing to increase the power output of engines. Nitrous oxide occurs in small amounts in the atmosphere, but recently has been found to be a major scavenger of stratospheric ozone, with an impact comparable to that of CFCs. It is estimated that 30% of the N2O in the atmosphere is the result of human activity, chiefly agriculture.
    Source: Wikipedia

Ingredients analysis

The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.
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    Details of the analysis of the ingredients

    fr: Crème, Sucre 8.5%, émulsifiant (e471), stabilisant e407, arôme vanille, gaz propulseurs e942, e941
    1. Crème -> en:cream - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 19402 - percent_min: 59.5 - percent_max: 91.5
    2. Sucre -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 8.5 - percent: 8.5 - percent_max: 8.5
    3. émulsifiant -> en:emulsifier - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 8.5
      1. e471 -> en:e471 - vegan: en:yes - vegetarian: en:yes - from_palm_oil: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 8.5
    4. stabilisant e407 -> en:e407 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 8.5
    5. arôme vanille -> en:vanilla-flavouring - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5
    6. gaz propulseurs e942 -> en:e942 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5
    7. e941 -> en:e931 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5


Carbon footprint



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Data sources

Product added on by jeanbono
Last edit of product page on by nutrinet-sante.
Product page also edited by 1995, allergies-app-chakib, charlesnepote, date-limite-app, desan, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, foodless, foodrepo, foodvisor, guezguez-majed, hopefullyunusedusername, idkplog, inf, itsjustruby, jeremy64, kiliweb, magasins-u, moon-rabbit, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, qualgmx, quentinbrd, roboto-app, scanbot, sebleouf, segundo, serpicozaure, tacite, yuka.R2JnZkxxTXZyUGdTbWZNaC9nM1Q5c3RJN1lTN1dUbTRLN01XSVE9PQ, yuka.SDUxYVR2VUJ2OW8yd3ZZVThqZU45UGwzLzRINUFVaVljYlVPSWc9PQ, yuka.UVpzd01LY0JodG90Z2ZjbDVVM0YxdEpieEtLb1JVZnNNZk1kSVE9PQ, yuka.Uko4RUxQVlovdmNEbWZFNzRRN0w5c2gvMzdXWGVXT2RLZEpPSUE9PQ, yuka.V1poY0NZNHJ0OEVEaXNZazRSem80ZU40M0ppS2JUdW1DTVZPSUE9PQ, yuka.VEtZT0ZZQVRnTUpVc2N3OHh4WDd4OEJPL0xPMWVsUHVOTzB5SVE9PQ, yuka.Vi9nakZwVUVwNk1EdTh3dTRBbjBwK3NveXFhcVREeU9OTXBKSVE9PQ, yuka.Vi9zNEw1eGR0OWtHbzlzL3ppanV5SXhRd1lhRUJWS01HZlVkSVE9PQ, yuka.WHBvbVA0RUFuc0VCbjh3SDR6bi8xZlJ0MjdxV1VWR1NOUGM3SVE9PQ, yuka.WTY4YUFJVTdpTjBYd3YwZC9pL1NwdGw0eDhhVVd6cTJHYk1LSVE9PQ, yuka.WUxBOENZQS9pUHdod05nSDRSNks4OWhjNW9XSWNrUHBkN0FTSWc9PQ, yuka.Wm93Z0lmVUZnTlU3bnRobDlUYi8xUFZxbkpxSVFrZTVOKzB0SVE9PQ, yuka.WnBsUkZQb21uNk1haXNNRnhSWFBxK0pzNksyQVVWR1JETVFKSVE9PQ, yuka.YUxKWURyMDd2K0FqcWN4azR5elIrNHR4LzRhcEJVanBNZXdCSWc9PQ, yuka.Yjc0L0U3OHpnS1VNa3ZRKzFSRFA4YzVYN2FXdlVtMnhBc1krSUE9PQ, yuka.ZklJeEhmVWZxTjR3dzlzNm9Dcko5dmNyNXNXWEJXNk9kZXdkSVE9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlml6VsDAvDf5CB3Vhm2N-YyyB73sT_Je0q_cFqs.

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