Flocons d'avoine complète - Quaker Oats - 800 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer PEPSICO FRANCE.
3168930003632(EAN / EAN-13)
Quantity: 800 g
Packaging: Plastic, Bag, Cardboard, Dry, Sleeve, fr:Point vert
Brands: Quaker Oats
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Breakfasts, Cereals and potatoes, Cereals and their products, Breakfast cereals, Flakes, Cereal flakes, Rolled flakes, Rolled oats
Labels, certifications, awards:
No preservatives, Source of fibre, 100% natural, Green Dot, High fibres, Lowers cholesterol, No added sugar, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade A, Triman
Origin of ingredients: United Kingdom, Great Britain, Scotland
Manufacturing or processing places: Écosse
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer: https://quaker.fr/produits/quaker-oats/o...
Stores: Auchan, Magasins U, carrefour.fr
Countries where sold: France, Switzerland
Matching with your preferences
Food processing
Ingredients analysis
Carbon footprint
Other information
Preparation: Ouverture facile Ouvrir: tirer le long de la perforation. Fermer: replier la languette à l'intérieur. Idées de préparation En muesli - froid Mélangez Quaker Oats avec du lait, du yaourt ou du fromage blanc, ainsi que vos ingrédients préférés (fruits, noix, graines, chocolat...). En porridge - chaud Versez 40g de Quaker Oats. Ajoutez 250ml d'eau ou de lait (classique ou végétal). 2 méthodes : Dans une casserole : portez à ébullition, laissez cuire 5 minutes en remuant de temps en temps. Au micro-ondes : réchauffez 2 minutes. Pour plus de gourmandise, ajoutez du miel, copeaux de chocolat, sirop d'érable, fruits ou noix ! C'est prêt !
Conservation conditions: Conserver au sec.
Customer service: PepsiCo France SNC, IMMEUBLE PORTES DE LA DEFENSE 15 Boulevard Charles De Gaulle 92705 COLOMBES CEDEX
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Data sources
The manufacturer PEPSICO FRANCE uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Manufacturers can use the Open Food Facts free plaform for producers to access and complete this data, and to obtain reports, analysis and product improvements opportunities (e.g. better Nutri-Score).
Product added on by blienard
Last edit of product page on by el-ka-91.
Product page also edited by aleene, alexlerusse, beniben, chevalstar, date-limite-app, driveoff, enzo624, ethic-advisor.d44fddca-67bd-4cae-aef6-5d9e9c6f586d, feat, foodvisor, inf, jhergault, kiliweb, kyzh, loran999, magasins-u, majo56, monoeil, moon-rabbit, openfoodfacts-contributors, org-pepsico-france, packbot, roboto-app, scanbot, smoothie-app, tacite, test-sarazine, tsukasamakino, yuka.RnY4dVBxUWhqZFV2bmZjLzNqNy84T0J5eUxhdVFFaWRGOWRCSVE9PQ, yuka.SEswOUg2Y29uZG9VdU1jZzV5L3Nxc2xiMkpLWFVrYW1NT285SUE9PQ, yuka.U0tRZUNZQU5wY0Zibk1jMy94T0ovOXd0MTRPRmUyV3pFTmNWSWc9PQ, yuka.U3JwZUhZSUtnc05Rc3ZKdnB5TGwrUFJYNTdPUVVXenVLTGNlSVE9PQ, yuka.UUtsYUNLZGRyT3NSc3NRRTd4VEV3NEpFKzdXQ1ZuMlNCZGdTSWc9PQ, yuka.UWFzZENab3NpOTBqZ2NJUDVBdUsydmhZbXAyb1VWMmFEK016SVE9PQ, yuka.UjZkZUtmUUNvdHdRaHNFMW9BajdwK3RFbnNDTVpFcXJMdXBNSVE9PQ, yuka.UklRZk9wMGU5dUFvdi9BbXdUN0xvL2NzemFLdFhVT0lDK2dOSVE9PQ, yuka.V0k4d1BhOEZsS1U2dC9ZVXp4WDIxZmQ0NExUMUJrbnNETllYSVE9PQ, yuka.V1pJdEtwbGVodEk2dGNGaTdqemx4ZU4yN3AyZ1lFam1MYllUSVE9PQ, yuka.VEk0RVFLMGMvOVZRbVBRWXdqejVxdklremFHT2ZGbXNFTUVTSVE9PQ, yuka.VzZRa1FhTlFxS003b1BFdjRBeUozODVxM2FXWVhWbTJFTU5CSUE9PQ, yuka.WWE0Uk03d3ppTk1RbHZFaHpEckY4UHh3NUpQeGUzbnJFOFlmSVE9PQ, yuka.WjQ0bUVMbFFvZEFUcWZFeTAwS0YvNHgyK0p5UllrSzZNZEkySVE9PQ, yuka.WjQwR1M0cytpYUFqbHRzRXdVM0h5OU5SMk1TbmVVS3BkdVU5SVE9PQ, yuka.YUlrdktmMHRnZUFscHNRSDJ5alg4K0FxM3FPVGJYaUpMK29TSVE9PQ, yuka.YjUwdUNwNEV0L295c3NjejR6YngzSTlYLzYrM0RGenROKzhESWc9PQ, yuka.ZWY1ZVRMc09tL2d1bE1NNzFBdjJwdE1zNGFTRFhtQ2xkczRySVE9PQ, yuka.ZklFeENZSUtpS2dvbk1VUDBSeU15TXdweExTdlQwQ0hFUHMwSVE9PQ, yuka.ZnJvTk02c2wvc2tPZ00wQnp4YUsvOWg0d2Jtc1ozMktOTTA4SVE9PQ.
Last check of product page on by aleene.