Hachis Parmentier - Carrefour - 300 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Carrefour.
3245413955470(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Hachis parmentier
Quantity: 300 g
Packaging: Plastic, Cardboard, Film, Sleeve, Tray
Brands: Carrefour
Categories: Meats and their products, Meals, Meals with meat, Beef dishes, Microwave meals, Beef cottage pies
Labels, certifications, awards: Distributor labels, French meat, Carrefour Quality, French beef, Made in France, No colorings, Nutriscore
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: Viande bovine: origine France
Origin of ingredients: France
Producer: Fabriqué en France par emb 56251 E pour INTERDIS
Traceability code: EMB 56251E - Theix (Morbihan, France), FR 29.269.020 CE - Saint-Thurien (Finistère, France), FR 29 269 020 - Saint-Thurien (Finistère, France)
Stores: Carrefour, carrefour.fr
Countries where sold: France
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Other information
Other information: Découvrez notre gamme de plats cuisinés Carrefour " Les Brasseries": des plats typiques de la cuisine Française, préparés en assiettes individuelles.
Preparation: Au four à micro-ondes: Percez l'opercule de quelques trous et faites réchauffer 2 minutes la barquette. Retirez l'opercule à l'aide de la languette. Ne pas mettre cette assiette au four traditionnel.
Conservation conditions: Avant ouverture, à conserver à température ambiante. Conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice. A consommer de préférence avant le: voir la date indiquée sur le côté de l'étui.
Customer service: Interdis - TSA 91431 - 91343 MASSY Cedex - France
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Data sources
Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by roboto-app.
Product page also edited by 5m4u9, carrefour, date-limite-app, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, kiliweb, moon-rabbit, org-carrefour, packbot, quechoisir, sebleouf, segundo, tacite, yuka.R2E4S1BvOFQvS2N6eS9ZaitCVE05KzFRbktXN1FHenNMZU1XSWc9PQ, yuka.YTZzRUlKczVqK0Uxb1BNZHhTMzI1OGhFMjVteUF6NnFFTWsvSVE9PQ, yuka.ZWZ3OERyZ3FpZm9RdVBZd29UR0o4NEpVNDdhVVlqdTlFOU1CSWc9PQ.