Muesli croustillant aux 4 noix - U - 500 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Système U.
3256220394079(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Mélange de pépites croustillantes de céréales et de noix
Quantity: 500 g
Packaging: Plastic, Bag, Cardboard, Packet, fr:Pensez au tri, fr:Sachet plastique à jeter, fr:Triman, fr:Étui carton à recycler
Brands: U
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Breakfasts, Cereals and potatoes, Cereals and their products, Breakfast cereals, Mueslis, Cereals with nuts, Mueslis with nuts
Labels, certifications, awards:
Green Dot, Transformed in France
Manufacturing or processing places: France
Stores: Super U, Magasins U
Countries where sold: France, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion
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Product added on by stephaneconso
Last edit of product page on by kiliweb.
Product page also edited by a0umi, aleene, beniben, dfs, ecoscore-impact-estimator, foodviewer, foodvisor, gibro, inf, labeleat.kAXLxWRMOvmvSX2V3bpgGtXttolA, moon-rabbit, nico045, nouky20, openfoodfacts-contributors, org-systeme-u, packbot, quechoisir, roboto-app, scanbot, sebleouf, segundo, systeme-u, systeme-u-off, tacite-mass-editor, vanessa85, yuka.R0pwWUs3a3F1dGRReTgwNTBRbk80TTVVMW8rV1luT2FNOHhNSVE9PQ, yuka.R3A0ak1xSVQrdEltdk1FTS9RajYrTTF6NHJtT1puK2xJT1V4SUE9PQ, yuka.U2JJRlM0MWErTmt6aDhaaDJBelc4TkJhNmJ1S2UyKytGOHdJSVE9PQ, yuka.U2ZFNFFKWXh1ZlJicWNBbjN4T0lvNGxGOXJ5MlFYMlZLK0VJSVE9PQ, yuka.UjZVS1RxZGVwOHNoeC9BN28wdlQ1dU5UbjhQM0FqdXNKN1lCSVE9PQ, yuka.Um9kYUhib2RxdHNtbjlzMG9qYlVwOUl2elpDWWJEbnBjTkF3SVE9PQ, yuka.V3ZnUkRyb25yOGtUa3NVaTEwUDR4TmdzM01HeWZVV2FkTFlESVE9PQ, yuka.VGFNc0lieFlyTmtZdGNVeCtEeng0WWwwL1ppTUFGS3REY1JMSUE9PQ, yuka.VjdnNk5aODZ2TXNqbk5wazBSUFQ0b3hreXM3MmRtYTVBY0JOSUE9PQ, yuka.WmZvUkNiVTlxT2tKeDhjbXB6RGNxb05ibDhINUFXNjFCK1k4SUE9PQ, yuka.ZVpzR0RyWW9pOHNBcGZNaC9UM1o1K3hNM29ENFVVT0dlN0pLSVE9PQ.
Last check of product page on by aleene.