Yaourt à la vanille bio - Malo - 4*125 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Sill Entreprises.
3278699005027(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Yaourt au lait pasteruisé sucré à la vanille, issu de l'agriculture biologique
Quantity: 4*125 g
Packaging: Metal, Plastic, Pot, Recyclable Metals, Aluminium, Cardboard, Refrigerated
Brands: Malo
Categories: Dairies, Fermented foods, Fermented milk products, Desserts, Dairy desserts, Fermented dairy desserts, Yogurts, Flavoured fermented dairy desserts, Sweetened yogurts, Vanilla yogurt, Flavoured yogurts
Labels, certifications, awards:
Organic, EU Organic, Non-EU Agriculture, EU Agriculture, EU/non-EU Agriculture, FR-BIO-01, FR-BIO-10, Green Dot, Produced in Brittany, AB Agriculture Biologique
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: Origine du lait : France
Manufacturing or processing places: Bretagne, France
Traceability code: FR 35.288.001 CE - Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine, France)
Stores: TGV Paris-Lyon, Magasins U, carrefour.fr, GMS et magasins spécialisés
Countries where sold: France
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Conservation conditions: FRAIS
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Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by naruyoko.
Product page also edited by agamitsudo, c18ma, charlesnepote, date-limite-app, driveoff, drunkenbison, ecoscore-impact-estimator, fvieillard, kiliweb, magasins-u, org-sill-entreprises, packbot, paolo35, quechoisir, segundo, stephane, surfinette, tacite, yuka.RjUxYlM0TThqK2dFbS9SbHdqamsvODFUMzZlUkJENjhGYlZKSVE9PQ, yuka.RjYxZEdhbzdvOE1XbnNKajdoaUY1K0l1bWFPRlhHYTFOK1VzSVE9PQ, yuka.U0xCYUdiWWJ2ZVkzaGNFUDVRenQ2b3RvdzVUd1pIM21DODRjSVE9PQ, yuka.U2ZnQ1RMUmV1TXNJaXZkaW9SM1BvZjFlMmM2Q2Z6cTlFclV2SVE9PQ, yuka.UmExY0U1OVJpZDRya3MxdXp6MkU5OVl1NHI2bVRUanNCY1JQSVE9PQ, yuka.UzVFU01ZMFFudjBvbTg4NndrenN3L2wvMXNLakFGMitkL29XSWc9PQ, yuka.WXFZY0VKVUFyTndUZ01WbjhpTFMrWWxQMTY3emQybnFDK00vSVE9PQ, yuka.YUoxZVFMa1lwc1lqdC9SdjUwN1Q0OTV0K2EyMWNsT1RFK2dNSWc9PQ, yuka.ZTUwL0RJc0ZyS1Fvb2RnaW9RR0x5KzlSNHJHbFlFaXFMTFFMSWc9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvllccT9rzpCzvNxX4l2qG_dq8EZzzXs4o_NXDLKg, yvan35.