Beurre plaquette AOP doux - Grand Fermage - 250 g
Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Grand Fermage.
3354599571005(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Beurre Charentes-Poitou AOP doux extra-fin 82% de matières grasses
Quantity: 250 g
Packaging: Plastic, Film, Fresh
Brands: Grand Fermage
Brand owner: Eurial
Categories: Dairies, Fats, Spreads, Spreadable fats, Animal fats, Dairy spreads, Milkfat, Butters, Butter fat, Unsalted butters, Pasteurized butters, Sweet cream butters
Labels, certifications, awards:
Made in France, PDO, Triman
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: Lait collecté dans l'aire de l'appellation Charentes-Poitou AOP
Origin of ingredients: France, Poitou-Charentes
Manufacturing or processing places: Bellevigny 85170 Vendée, Pays de la Loire, France, Fabriqué à Bellevigny (85) à partir de lait collecté dans l'aire de l'appellation. Eurial 85170 Bellevigny.
Traceability code: FR 85.019.001 CE - Belleville-sur-Vie (Vendée, France)
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: Casino, Carrefour market, Magasins U, Carrefour, Auchan, Clichy, Villers Bocage 80260,, Leclerc
Countries where sold: France
Matching with your preferences
Other information
Conservation conditions: A conserver entre +2°C et +8°C
Recycling instructions - To discard: Film à jeter
Customer service: 75 rue Sophie Germain CS 70816 - 44308 Nantes CEDEX,, 0800080366
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Data sources
Product added on by loupiludo
Last edit of product page on by laura-chaud.
Product page also edited by baslad01, cham, date-limite-app, driveoff, feat, fgouget, foodvisor, jacob80, magasins-u, manu1400, marmotte73, mismer, navig491, off.5387b8a8-a85d-41be-8518-d9627e08895e, openfoodfacts-contributors, org-grand-fermage, packbot, quechoisir, sasa, sebleouf, segundo, tacite, tester, yuka.Rjc4UEthYzlsOVVEcE1ZWi96emU1ZGg0Mkp5T1htZVRMKzhTSVE9PQ, yuka.UUxKUkY3eFF2dWhSby8wQXJ3N3ArZjlibjhUd1pXZXhBTTRjSVE9PQ, yuka.VjUwblBhWVJtZG9wdmZGbjJEWGZwTnRjMW8remYyN3JjZWdJSWc9PQ, yuka.WDVnTVNJUXdxK3NJd2NRaStCRGVvNGx2bnArcFhFNlJFTm9NSVE9PQ, yuka.WGExYU1JUU1sdDRsaE1RMTlEUE4rK3hSNTRQM2VtT2JHdnNBSVE9PQ, yuka.WUlNTFFmbzRnc2NtbThNQzRoQ0oxKzV6d0ptb1dFYWJjZG9PSVE9PQ, yuka.Wm8weFRQZ05yZGd0dzhFUit5TGUrc29vNkorRVdYL3RjUEF6SUE9PQ, yuka.WmJwWk5xVWtvZkl2dlBSazBDM1BwTjFLMXBxUlhEeUZPYkl4SUE9PQ, yuka.YjRaZlBJc2tvZnBTdDhBMThDbnJ3SXR2NnJDaVZsSzZGTlpMSUE9PQ.