Haricots rouges - Notre Jardin - 250 g
Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Scamark.
3564700013274(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Haricots rouges
Quantity: 250 g
Packaging: Canned, fr:Couvercle en métal à recycler
Brands: Notre Jardin, Marque Repère
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Legumes and their products, Canned foods, Legumes, Seeds, Canned plant-based foods, Legume seeds, Pulses, Common beans, Canned legumes, Red beans, Canned common beans, Canned red kidney beans, Canned-kidney-common-beans
Labels, certifications, awards:
Source of fibre, Green Dot, High fibres, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade A, Triman
Origin of ingredients: France, Canada, United States, Argentina
Stores: Leclerc
Countries where sold: France
Matching with your preferences
Other information
Preparation: Verser le contenu de la boîte dans une casserole et faire chauffer à feu doux sans laisser bouillir. Égoutter avant de servir.
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Data sources
Product added on by sebleouf
Last edit of product page on by apitrou.
Product page also edited by aleene, corentinglh, corvuscorone, date-limite-app, foodvisor, gabrielb31, geoi41, inf, jumati, kiliweb, openfoodfacts-contributors, org-scamark, packbot, pylm95, roboto-app, scamark, segundo, serpicozaure, tacite, teolemon, yuka.VExvTFBMb1ArY0ZXb3NOdTNDT09xdUJuM3MrN0RFcStGZWN4SVE9PQ, yuka.ZElsY1FLZ05pZFJVcHNadndoYjIrZDlrbjQrbVJseXdGTEk0SUE9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlkcbUf-PvQvaFjvhnVOxnt7VPMTQaNJqv5b7LKg, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlmFNTeb0mQLEMjb6hF-s-4ulD4fTOolTwaPEKKg, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlmhqUobGmyDYJwHjknDTwtOhH5_KUdBV2qqqa6o.
Last check of product page on by aleene.