Mozzarella - Auchan - 0.5 kg
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer AUCHAN APAW.
3596710440658(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Mozzarella - Fromage a pate filée au lait de vache pasteurisé
Quantity: 0.5 kg
Packaging: Bag
Brands: Auchan
Categories: Dairies, Fermented foods, Fermented milk products, Cheeses, Italian cheeses, Stretched-curd cheeses, Mozzarella, Fromages, Fromages italiens, Fromages à pâte filée, Produits fermentés, Produits laitiers, Produits laitiers fermentés
Labels, certifications, awards: Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade C
Stores: Auchan
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Preparation: Conseils ::Ouvrir le sachet, vider la saumure, retirer la boule de mozzarella et l'accommoder selon votre choix : en salade avec des tomates et du basilic, sur une pizza, .
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The manufacturer AUCHAN APAW uses Agena3000 to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Product added on by kiliweb
Last edit of product page on by org-auchan-apaw.
Product page also edited by aleene, halal-app-chakib, isabel626, manu1400, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, roboto-app, teolemon, yuka.UkpneU1ZUTlnZndwaGZCazRqM3MvK2gvOW9LbVFFSzRkck5CSVE9PQ.