Lait de coco - Alter Eco - 400 mL
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3700214613740(EAN / EAN-13)
3700214613740(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Lait de coco
Quantity: 400 mL
Packaging: Canned
Brands: Alter Eco
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Beverages, Plant-based foods, Dairy substitutes, Milk substitutes, Plant-based beverages, Plant-based milk alternatives, Plant-based creams, Unsweetened beverages, Plant-based creams for cooking, Coconut milks and creams
Labels, certifications, awards:
Fair trade, Organic, Fairtrade International, No GMOs, Carbon compensated product, Carbon footprint, Max Havelaar, No emulsifiers, fr:Agriculture familiale, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint, Carbon footprint
Origin of ingredients: Sri Lanka, fr:Coopérative SOFA
Stores: Hyper U
Countries where sold: France
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Carbon footprint
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Product added on by adline
Last edit of product page on by roboto-app.
Product page also edited by date-limite-app, kiliweb, lamoole, manu1400, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, quentinbrd, tacite, tacite-mass-editor, yuka.VDYweFRwUTRocUFZdC9ZaXdSbmw5UEJGNDdpeFpGcU9ETWNVSVE9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvll5IVNrOnG7FGSPnlRCU9P6OMI3qQNFoyafmCKs.