Pâte à tartiner noisettes grillées - Karéléa - 400 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Léa Nature.
3760020506605(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Pâte à tartiner aux noisettes et cacao maigre, avec édulcorant.
Quantity: 400 g
Packaging: Plastic, Jar, fr:Conteneur
Brands: Karéléa, Léa Nature
Categories: Breakfasts, Spreads, Sweet spreads, fr:Pâtes à tartiner, Hazelnut spreads, Chocolate spreads, Cocoa and hazelnuts spreads
Labels, certifications, awards: Low or no sugar, No added sugar, No palm oil
Stores: Cora, Magasins U, carrefour.fr
Countries where sold: France, Guadeloupe
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Other information
Conservation conditions: A conserver à l'abri de la chaleur et de l'humidité (température idéale : 18-22°C). Ne pas mettre au réfrigérateur. A consommer de préférence avant le et N° de lot : voir sur le couvercle.
Customer service: Service Relation Consommateurs, SERVICE RELATIONS CONSOMMATEURS
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Data sources
The manufacturer Léa Nature uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by rdaneel.
Product page also edited by calou91710, chevalstar, citp, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, helenou, inf, jeanneb, julie-yuka, kiliweb, magasins-u, org-lea-nature, packbot, quechoisir, scanbot, tacite, yuka.R2FZRU01OWVyOFkyeHNFWTh5L1Y2dUFyNjd5clYybTBMOFlQSWc9PQ, yuka.R2ZoZUVwWVBwTVJScThZUzJoMkUyc3BZbXJ5VUEyaW1OdUVqSVE9PQ, yuka.Uzd3L0xZSXJxYWsydzhZVDVoN3YrWXh4dzdXMkJIT1NETzh6SUE9PQ, yuka.VjU5Zk5ZTSttTjhEdzg4WDNEN3c4TU5vK29TU1JuL21HODRWSVE9PQ, yuka.WDR0Y1FJc0xocWxReXZBVG9qVGY2TjF5enJxVlVINmRkdGdJSVE9PQ, yuka.WTQwOEtyc2VtT2RTaFAwa29RN1M1b2xvN01HWFIwaXpGOXBKSUE9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlm0YX8H0oDT2KEHnsHyI4eyNE7fuX-wuw4P_E6o.