Pringles Sourcream&Onion 200g - 200 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer KELLOGG'S.
5053990138753(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Sour cream and onion flavour savoury snack
Quantity: 200 g
Packaging: Composite-tube, Container, Dose, Dose(n), Pet-lid, Päckchen
Brands: Pringles
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Snacks, Cereals and potatoes, Salty snacks, Appetizers, Chips and fries, Crisps, Potato crisps, Flavoured potato crisps, Salty snacks made from potato
Origin of ingredients: Unspecified
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Countries where sold: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Morocco, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Matching with your preferences
Carbon footprint
Other information
Conservation conditions: À conserver dans un endroit sec
Customer service: Service Conseil Consommateurs, Kellogg's Produits Alimentaires S.A.S. - Immeuble Neptune - 1 rue Galilée 93160 Noisy-le-Grand (France)
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Data sources
The manufacturer KELLOGG'S uses CodeOnline Food to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Manufacturers can use the Open Food Facts free plaform for producers to access and complete this data, and to obtain reports, analysis and product improvements opportunities (e.g. better Nutri-Score).
Product added on by kiliweb
Last edit of product page on by gourmet.
Product page also edited by akitainu, charlesnepote, chevalstar, countrybot, date-limite-app, duhowpi, ecoscore-impact-estimator, foodless, geraldine76, grumpf, halal-app-chakib, inf, jumati, livlakaemper, musarana, off.6ddca595-60dd-4ecb-bc0a-ec319f8416b1, openfoodfacts-contributors, org-kellogg-s, packbot, prepperapp, scanbot, smoothie-app, swipe-studio, tacite, tacite-mass-editor, telperion87, thaialagata, yuka.SG9VUUhweFJyYWhiZ1BjZXdBMk81djByNW8zNVlGT1NCcklwSVE9PQ, yuka.U3F3YkRJZ0N0UE5ScC9BdTdrTC8yY2xRM3NXamRGR3FJTlE4SVE9PQ, yuka.VjRaY0U3VllnOEVoa1BGazF6LzZwZGxKeTVDUUJsenVjTFFUSWc9PQ, yuka.WTZZYU1xTUdpYUFIdnZNU3dCcVArZkoxbXAyMURYenBKdW9NSVE9PQ, yuka.WllNa0U0czg5cUFxeThVQnd6S055TmRTM3JDS1VFSHFLL01BSVE9PQ, yuka.YkwwK0NZUW1wL2dTa2NVRTFFS0w5Y2hSMlllUFJYK0tGdVpLSVE9PQ, yuka.ZnF3aFBmb05pOUF5dU0wVTFCbi8vdmhKOWE2RWVEMnNNZXMxSVE9PQ.