MAGGI Arome flacon 200ml (Halal) - 250 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer NESTLE FRANCE. - Customer service: Contact form 0 809 400 412 (service gratuit + prix de l'appel)
7613033496752(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Assaisonnement liquide
Quantity: 250 g
Categories: Condiments, Groceries
Labels, certifications, awards:
Halal, Green Dot
Countries where sold: France
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Other information
Preparation: L'Arome MAGGI Halal est un assaisonnement comme le sel et le poivre. Quelques gouttes suffisent à relever la saveur de tous vos plats : vinaigrettes, sauces, potages, légumes, pâtes, riz, œufs, omelettes… Inutile de saler.
Conservation conditions: Après ouverture, se conserve à température ambiante.
Customer service: Maggi, 34-40 rue Guynemer 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
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Data sources
The manufacturer NESTLE FRANCE uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Product added on by grigri
Last edit of product page on by org-nestle-france.
Product page also edited by beniben, date-limite-app, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, kiliweb, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, segundo, tacite-mass-editor, yuka.VDd3YkdaZ29oNmxicGNjRjR3N2IzTUI2MXJtVVJFMm1jT2NkSVE9PQ, yuka.VktZTFNic2Uvc0lGeDlvZzh5N3cxNHRZNUw2emJXZWRNN01XSVE9PQ, yuka.WTVrTkxZVmNtNmdzdE1JVDNDNzY5ZnRxL0lXV1htL3BjYmNBSVE9PQ.