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VITTEL UP eau aromatise Pêche BIO 1L - Nestlé - 1000 ml

VITTEL UP eau aromatise Pêche BIO 1L - Nestlé - 1000 ml

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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer NESTLE WATERS.

Barcode: 7613036732192 (EAN / EAN-13)

Common name: Boisson bio aromatisée à base d'eau minérale naturelle Vittel, saveur pêche

Quantity: 1000 ml

Packaging: Bottle

Brands: Nestlé, Vittel

Categories: Beverages, Waters, Flavored waters

Labels, certifications, awards: Organic, EU Organic, Green Dot, AB Agriculture Biologique

Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: false

Stores: Leclerc

Countries where sold: France

Matching with your preferences



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    7 ingredients

    French: Eau minérale naturelle Vittel 90%, eau, sucre de canne liquide 2,4%*, acidifiant : acide citrique, arôme naturel de pêche avec autres arômes naturels. *Issu de l'agriculture biologique.

Food processing

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    Ultra processed foods

    Elements that indicate the product is in the 4 - Ultra processed food and drink products group:

    • Ingredient: Flavouring

    Food products are classified into 4 groups according to their degree of processing:

    1. Unprocessed or minimally processed foods
    2. Processed culinary ingredients
    3. Processed foods
    4. Ultra processed foods

    The determination of the group is based on the category of the product and on the ingredients it contains.

    Learn more about the NOVA classification


  • E330 - Citric acid

    Citric acid is a natural organic acid found in citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and limes.

    It is widely used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer, acidulant, and preservative due to its tart and refreshing taste.

    Citric acid is safe for consumption when used in moderation and is considered a generally recognized as safe (GRAS) food additive by regulatory agencies worldwide.

Ingredients analysis

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    Palm oil free

    No ingredients containing palm oil detected

    Unrecognized ingredients: fr:eau-minerale-naturelle-vittel

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

    We need your help!

    You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others:

    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

  • icon

    Vegan status unknown

    Unrecognized ingredients: fr:eau-minerale-naturelle-vittel

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

    We need your help!

    You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others:

    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

  • icon

    Vegetarian status unknown

    Unrecognized ingredients: fr:eau-minerale-naturelle-vittel

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

    We need your help!

    You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others:

    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.
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    Details of the analysis of the ingredients

    We need your help!

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

    We need your help!

    You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others:

    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

    fr: Eau minérale naturelle Vittel 90%, eau, sucre de canne 2.4%, acidifiant (acide citrique), arôme naturel de pêche, arômes naturels
    1. Eau minérale naturelle Vittel -> fr:eau-minerale-naturelle-vittel - percent_min: 90 - percent: 90 - percent_max: 90
    2. eau -> en:water - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18066 - percent_min: 2.4 - percent_max: 7.6
    3. sucre de canne -> en:cane-sugar - labels: en:organic - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 2.4 - percent: 2.4 - percent_max: 2.4
    4. acidifiant -> en:acid - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.4
      1. acide citrique -> en:e330 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.4
    5. arôme naturel de pêche -> en:natural-peach-flavouring - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.4
    6. arômes naturels -> en:natural-flavouring - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.9


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    Average nutritional quality

    ⚠ ️Warning: the amount of fruits, vegetables and nuts is not specified on the label, it was estimated from the list of ingredients: 0

    This product is considered a beverage for the calculation of the Nutri-Score.

    Positive points: 0

    • Proteins: 0 / 5 (value: 0, rounded value: 0)
    • Fiber: 0 / 5 (value: 0, rounded value: 0)
    • Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and colza/walnut/olive oils: 0 / 10 (value: 0, rounded value: 0)

    Negative points: 3

    • Energy: 1 / 10 (value: 30, rounded value: 30)
    • Sugars: 2 / 10 (value: 1.6, rounded value: 1.6)
    • Saturated fat: 0 / 10 (value: 0, rounded value: 0)
    • Sodium: 0 / 10 (value: 0, rounded value: 0)

    The points for proteins are counted because the negative points are less than 11.

    Nutritional score: (3 - 0)


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    Nutrient levels

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      Sugars in low quantity (1.6%)

      What you need to know
      • A high consumption of sugar can cause weight gain and tooth decay. It also augments the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases.

      Recommendation: Limit the consumption of sugar and sugary drinks
      • Sugary drinks (such as sodas, fruit beverages, and fruit juices and nectars) should be limited as much as possible (no more than 1 glass a day).
      • Choose products with lower sugar content and reduce the consumption of products with added sugars.
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      Salt in low quantity (0%)

      What you need to know
      • A high consumption of salt (or sodium) can cause raised blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
      • Many people who have high blood pressure do not know it, as there are often no symptoms.
      • Most people consume too much salt (on average 9 to 12 grams per day), around twice the recommended maximum level of intake.

      Recommendation: Limit the consumption of salt and salted food
      • Reduce the quantity of salt used when cooking, and don't salt again at the table.
      • Limit the consumption of salty snacks and choose products with lower salt content.

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    Nutrition facts

    Nutrition facts As sold
    for 100 g / 100 ml
    As sold
    per serving (250ml)
    Compared to: Flavored waters
    Energy 30 kj
    (7 kcal)
    75 kj
    (17 kcal)
    Fat 0 g 0 g -100%
    Saturated fat 0 g 0 g -100%
    Carbohydrates 1.6 g 4 g -9%
    Sugars 1.6 g 4 g -4%
    Fiber 0 g 0 g -100%
    Proteins 0 g 0 g -100%
    Salt 0 g 0 g -100%
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 0 % 0 %
Serving size: 250ml





Other information

Preparation: A boire très frais.

Conservation conditions: A conserver à l'abri de la chaleur et du soleil. Après ouverture, à conserver au réfrigérateur et à consommer dans les 3 jours.

Customer service: NESTLE WATERS, 34-40 rue Guynemer 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

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Data sources

The manufacturer NESTLE WATERS uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.

Product added on by kiliweb
Last edit of product page on by org-nestle-waters.
Product page also edited by ecoscore-impact-estimator, jessil47, off.5a52ae6baa9999a1c24257d95afe70e5, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, roboto-app, teolemon, tomollivier, yuka.Ukw0ZUw1WWtxZnNOcC9jRzVCSDBwZlpLK3BXSVExdXlBc1UzSVE9PQ, yuka.WWEwdU5yOWFnT2dYdjhZUnJoUE04STRremJTNVRYcTZEOVVYSVE9PQ, yuka.YkwxZkxJUUEvTWdSZ2NRYngwLzE0L2Q3K0xLcFYwQ29POFpMSUE9PQ, yuka.YllrWVQ3NWF2L1FtbGNjM29UZm4ydU5XelpEMmNINnRjTEFUSVE9PQ.

If the data is incomplete or incorrect, you can complete or correct it by editing this page.