Pâtes Farfalle - Barilla - 1 kg
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer barilla.
8076809535748(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Pâtes alimentaires au blé dur
Quantity: 1 kg
Packaging: Recycle, Box, Cardboard
Brands: Barilla
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Cereals and potatoes, Cereals and their products, Pastas, Cereal pastas, Dry pastas, Durum wheat pasta, Farfalle, es:Farfalle de trigo duro
Manufacturing or processing places: Italie, Grèce
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer: http://www.barilla.fr/produits/Pates/Cla...
Stores: Monoprix, Magasins U
Countries where sold: France
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Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by org-barilla.
Product page also edited by anonymousgeek, asmoth, barilla, barilla-off, beniben, date-limite-app, jacob80, magasins-u, marmotte73, miles67off, packbot, pamputt, quechoisir, teolemon, yuka.SHI0aElKcFkvZG9Bc01BRTRpanl5T2wzbjRDMVdYSHFjclk2SUE9PQ, yuka.V1pnd0N2aGMvdEkzb3ZZRXJ3TDQ5Y2grM0pENFZHZUpBc1VmSWc9PQ, yuka.ZXZ3UUhZY0dyZDRodVBjaHdoanp3K3hNNG9XTmNrU3NEN0JPSVE9PQ.