208 Morceaux Blancs Tutti Free 290g - Saint Louis Sucre - 290 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer SAINT LOUIS SUCRE.
3220032510002(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Édulcorant de table à base de sucre, d'aspartame et d'acésulfame K
Quantity: 290 g
Packaging: Paper, Cardboard, fr:Film plastique
Brands: Saint Louis Sucre, Saint-Louis, Tutti free
Categories: Sweeteners, Sugars, fr:Edulcorant à l'aspartame
Labels, certifications, awards: Contains a source of phenylalanine, fr:Édulcorant de table à base de sucre 99 % et aspartame et acesulfame 1 %
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: Union Européenne
Origin of ingredients: France
Manufacturing or processing places: France ki
Traceability code: FSC-C014461
Stores: Leclerc, Magasins U, carrefour.fr
Countries where sold: France
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Preparation: Un morceau 75% plus petit pour le même pouvoir sucrant ! Avec un morceau blanc Tutti Free, retrouvez la même saveur sucrée d'un morceau de sucre classique. Il est idéal pour les amateurs de boissons chaudes moins sucrées ou d'expressos.
Conservation conditions: A conserver à l'abri de l'humidité et de la chaleur. Température 20 °C ± 5 °C / Humidité relative inférieure à 65 %
Customer service: service consommateurs, www.saintlouis-sucre.com
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Data sources
The manufacturer SAINT LOUIS SUCRE uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by madmanu.
Product page also edited by date-limite-app, dm, driveoff, durejar31, guezguez-majed, kiliweb, magasins-u, marilyn, odin, org-saint-louis, org-saint-louis-sucre, packbot, quechoisir, roboto-app, thierry46, yuka.R1BBZEVyd3ZsOXBVdlBFaHd4L0k1SUowMmNhUVVqeUhPKzFOSUE9PQ, yuka.R2ZnK0hvc21oYVVCd2NkZ296L3o5WXROKzZMMWQwL3FMUFFSSWc9PQ, yuka.RzQ0WUZKd0NwL2NZdHYwYzRCWDErWTUyMjhXSUFWTzROK1FRSVE9PQ, yuka.UTZZbFRLOEltc0VxdDlnUm9EUGEzLzFsL2JtUWNrT0tPK0JCSUE9PQ, yuka.Uy80NkU0WTdyL29OdHNJQzhCYmwzNDkyNWJyMkJuT01KcmM5SVE9PQ, yuka.V2JzaENabFJ2TUFSby9Ram9RNkZwUFpxeDhUNVdGTG9kczhLSVE9PQ, yuka.VjRWUVBKd3hwTm9sdmM4Q3BReitvL1JUbmNiMGZWcWxkT1FMSWc9PQ, yuka.WElBc1BhQU12cVZSaDhZVDNUbkszY2x2MmErV2NYT01BTnBKSVE9PQ, yuka.WGZFNFFJNDdodlZUb3NZaTV4elNvdWhjekk2eFJWS1JHdTAzSVE9PQ, yuka.WW9WY0RvMDhxc2t5Z2NFRTJpM0V5dnhrL2JXdEFXV0pBY2hMSUE9PQ, yuka.Wlo4N0cvb3EvdUF2c01VUndqbjM1dWtxbTdLNFUzaUhETTA5SVE9PQ.