Levure de bière - Gerblé - 150 g
3175680015228(EAN / EAN-13)
3175680015228(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Levure de bière au malt d'orge
Quantity: 150 g
Packaging: Dry, fr:Film en plastique, fr:Film plastique, fr:Étui carton
Brands: Gerblé
Categories: Condiments, Food additives, Nutritional yeast, Yeast
Labels, certifications, awards:
Source of fibre, Source of proteins, Green Dot, High fibres, High proteins, Made in France, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade A, Phosphore source, Rich in vitamin B, Rich in vitamin B1, Rich in vitamin B9, fr:Origine France, Triman
Origin of ingredients: France
Manufacturing or processing places: Nutrition et santé SAS, Route de Castelnaudary, 31250, Revel, France
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer: https://www.gerble.fr/vitalite/levure-de...
Stores: Carrefour, Leclerc, Magasins U, Auchan, carrefour.fr, Carrefour market
Countries where sold: France, Réunion, Switzerland
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Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by dum63.
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