Le Beurre de la laiterie de Condé-sur-Vire Doux (82% MG) - Elle & Vire - 250 g
Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Elle&Vire.
3451790934865(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Beurre Doux
Quantity: 250 g
Packaging: Fresh, fr:Film plastique
Brands: Elle & Vire, Savencia
Brand owner: Savencia
Categories: Dairies, Fats, Spreads, Spreadable fats, Animal fats, Dairy spreads, Milkfat, Butters, Unsalted butters, Sweet cream butters
Labels, certifications, awards:
fr:Concours général agricole, Green Dot, fr:Médaille d'argent du Concours général agricole, fr:Médaille d'argent du concours général agricole 2017, fr:Médaille d'argent du concours général agricole 2018, Triman
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: Normandie, France
Origin of ingredients: France, Normandy
Manufacturing or processing places: Normandie, France
Traceability code: FR 50.139.001 CE - Condé-sur-Vire (Manche, France)
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer: https://www.elle-et-vire.com/fr/fr/beurr...
Stores: Magasins U, Leclerc, Toutes enseignes GMS, carrefour.fr
Countries where sold: France
Matching with your preferences
Other information
Recycling instructions - To discard: Film plastique à jeter
Customer service: Elle & Vire Produits Laitiers, Service Consommateurs 50890 Condé-sur-Vire, France - N°Cristal 09 69 39 54 09
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Data sources
Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by org-elle-vire.
Product page also edited by asmoth, autorotate-bot, date-limite-app, driveoff, fooduser, fpdsurveys, frgtmayer, geodata, jtrotignon, kiliweb, magasins-u, marmotte73, moon-rabbit, nutrinet-sante, packbot, quentinbrd, sasa, segundo, smoothie-app, tacite, teolemon, yuka.SDRJL05vWWVndEFyaS9GajRrclA5ZFZ5Mjc2bmVXMmVON1lmSWc9PQ, yuka.UjZjWUVKc21tNmtKcHRzQXd6emMxTnRzNjhhbGRscVVDK0VCSVE9PQ, yuka.Ulk4aUtvOVkrTll4dFBJYjdBcnRxNEpsK0pxR1ZsS1JDdHNmSVE9PQ, yuka.ZUwwbU1mZ2xyZGNydk1ZSG9VcmExUEZlNHBxSkJsaXJET29OSVE9PQ.