100% mie complet 500g - Harrys - 500 g
Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer BARILLA FRANCE SA.
3228857000166(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Pain de mie sans croûte à la farine complète
Quantity: 500 g
Packaging: Plastic, Bag, fr:Sachet en plastique
Brands: Harrys
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Cereals and potatoes, Breads, Sliced breads, Sliced breads without crust, Wholemeal breads, Wholemeal sliced breads
Labels, certifications, awards:
Source of fibre, Green Dot, Made in France, No palm oil, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade A, fr:Blé français, Triman
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: fabriqué en France, blé français
Origin of ingredients: France
Manufacturing or processing places: France
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer: https://www.harrys.fr/nos-produits/pains...
Stores: Magasins U, Delhaize, Carrefour City, carrefour.fr, Intermarché, Carrefour Market
Countries where sold: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Martinique, Réunion, Switzerland
Matching with your preferences
Other information
Conservation conditions: A conserver à température ambiante et à distance de toute source de chaleur. Pour préserver son moelleux, refermez bien le sachet après utilisation.
Customer service: Service Consommateurs, www.harrys.fr, rubrique « contactez-nous »
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Data sources
The manufacturer BARILLA FRANCE SA uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by org-barilla-france-sa.
Product page also edited by anthoine-lb, barilla, barilla-off, beniben, big-brother, chevalstar, cominou, countrybot, date-limite-app, didierg, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, elttor, fabe56, feat, foodrepo, foodvisor, guigzz, herau, hungergames, inf, itsjustruby, jjp, kiliweb, loulr, macrofactor, magasins-u, naruyoko, navig491, off.1ce854f8-05fe-483d-ac4c-599abcd11b21, off.92a81a8d-4bfe-4ec7-8b74-51fd063d9825, off.cfc4101e-4cd6-4f9c-bbcc-5e5a9bc1af6c, off.e6a6c731-638e-4c4b-89a0-94a4c3e193b7, org-barilla, packbot, quechoisir, quentinbrd, rbk-lut, roboto-app, scanbot, sebleouf, segundo, swipe-studio, tacinte, tacite, val-20o4, yuka.U1BFeU40Z2J0T0EwbzhGZzVCZnovWTEzNDYyNVdYMlllN2N6SUE9PQ, yuka.U1lRT0l2dGVpdms0bzlwaDFUWEk0dGgweTUyMVpVaUpGOVpLSVE9PQ, yuka.U1p3S0FmUXFpdjREcE1JSCt3NzI1TjFUMzdtSVlWT3pCYm9PSWc9PQ, yuka.UUx3eEZxSWErdjBMaDhSdTBqL2sydEJyd2FXWFJsK1lkZFlWSVE9PQ, yuka.VktFSEx2VW11ZWtBb01BRzFRTGYzUFphblkyU1FWcnJHdThESVE9PQ, yuka.WGJvSkxxUWUvdUFtcWNBbXp4TFc5L2xPeVpTRmVqaVBBdTBMSWc9PQ, yuka.YklJckNQczZtOUFnZy9NNnIwbUt4Yzh0eExPZ2NsdW1CY2tNSVE9PQ.