Panzani spaghetti 500g - 500 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer PANZANI SA.
3038350015006(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Pâtes alimentaires de qualité supérieure
Quantity: 500 g
Packaging: Envelope, Pack, fr:Film en plastique, fr:Film plastique à jeter, fr:Ouverture facile
Brands: Panzani, Ebro Foods
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Cereals and potatoes, Cereals and their products, Pastas, Cereal pastas, Dry pastas, Durum wheat pasta, Spaghetti, Durum wheat spaghetti
Labels, certifications, awards:
Green Dot, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade A, fr:Info-tri-point-vert, fr:Qualite-or
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: Origine du produit: France # Origine de l'ingrédient primaire "semoule" : France
Origin of ingredients: France
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: Super U, Carrefour market, Bi1, Magasins U, LIDL,, Carrefour
Countries where sold: France, Germany, Switzerland
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Other information
Preparation: Plongez les pâtes dans de l'eau bouillante salée à votre convenance (1l pour 100g de pâtes) et laissez cuire le temps indiqué sur le minuteur (voir sur le devant du paquet)
Conservation conditions: A conserver dans un endroit sec
Customer service: Service consommateurs PANZANI - Laura DUVAL , 141, cours Gambetta 69003 LYON
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Data sources
The manufacturer PANZANI SA uses Equadis to automatically transmit data and photos for its products.
Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by org-panzani-sa.
Product page also edited by cestki13, date-limite-app, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, feat, fgouget, jacob80, kch, kiliweb, konova, lulumasu, magasins-u, marco69, packbot, prepperapp, quechoisir, quentinbrd, roboto-app, tacinte, tacite, teolemon, yuka.Vy9nZ0lwOERtdmdLa2ZZaDd6elIrdng2eEwyWFcxbWRGdXNCSWc9PQ, yuka.YXZzQVNib2xtOVVXcGRnRzV5M3gzOU12MjVtN1VuS0xKc1lxSVE9PQ, yuka.Ylk0YUtwZ24rZllydy9NeXdCbkw0UEJYeU1XMlFWK1hBdHRBSUE9PQ, yuka.ZlBFZ0VaOHJoYVVNdXNBazlVekx5UDFzK2NXNUFqeTBjT3dCSWc9PQ.