Riz Châtaigne - Bjorg - 1 L
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3229820188645(EAN / EAN-13)
3229820188645(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Boisson biologique à base de châtaigne et de riz, stérilisée UHT
Quantity: 1 L
Packaging: Multilayer-composite, Tetra Pak, Canned, Tetra Brik Aseptic, fr:Brique carton et son bouchon à recycler, fr:Brique en carton, fr:FSC C014047, fr:FSC Mixte, fr:Pensez au tri!, fr:Point vert
Brands: Bjorg
Categories: Beverages and beverages preparations, Plant-based foods and beverages, Beverages, Plant-based foods, Cereals and potatoes, Dairy substitutes, Cereals and their products, Milk substitutes, Plant-based beverages, Plant-based milk alternatives, Cereal-based drinks, Rice-based drinks, Boissons végétales de châtaigne, Boissons végétales de fruits à coque, Boissons végétales de riz nature, Fruits à coques et dérivés
Labels, certifications, awards:
Low or no fat, Low fat, Organic, EU Organic, Non-EU Agriculture, 100% vegetable, EU Agriculture, EU/non-EU Agriculture, Green Dot, IT-BIO-006, Made in Italy, No added sugar, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade B, AB Agriculture Biologique
Origin of the product and/or its ingredients: Fabriqué en Italie
Manufacturing or processing places: Italie
Traceability code: FSC-C014047
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer: https://www.bjorg.fr/produits/boisson-ve...
Stores: Bio forum, carrefour.fr, Carrefour market
Countries where sold: France
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Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by guezguez-majed.
Product page also edited by aleene, cedagaesse, corrigo, desan, didierg, driveoff, ecoscore-impact-estimator, grumpf, inf, kiliweb, lou, quechoisir, roboto-app, spotter, tacite, teolemon, yuka.U0lraktZc0h2LzRCeHMwUDNpenk5ZjlUK0pxeGYwMndCdWdESVE9PQ, yuka.VnJBT0FwODdwdjhKd05zUm9STDNxdXgrektIMlRVQ1lPK2d2SVE9PQ, yuka.WFA4Y1BxUmJoUGNWbmN3UndoLzh3Y3N0bHJtb2VqK2NNOHdWSWc9PQ, yuka.WHFJNkFwc0RtdVVqb1AwLzVoLzJwdTlzK282Z1hGNnNLZTFJSVE9PQ, yuka.WUw4QkFxRTRxOWdZdnNRNjRFS01vLzVMNjVhWkEzSHRKUHNZSVE9PQ, yuka.WnI0NUV2bGJyT1lybXNVMG9rclkxZUJ4K3B5TVVXYUZLL0VKSVE9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlk1YacXOrGjmECTugFGF9tCSKo3POs5Nw7LGa6s, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlkBJfsb7uD7LGi35qWyO6sjTHrzTU4lsx63iaas, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvllNrCtzanxn_OSPTyXyW28uQN4DoZ4tNztTCOKs, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlm4YDcDaiW7Jazj6yRzRwu6qHKPrfo0ou4b1Nqs, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlmp5VOrVvCr2PSTQgxG6ne28N5X4Xclq5pDrIag, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlnJEbMaHiC32EEPUm23Xy8meLqe1YtNT0tXkKKg, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlnR4A_vznw7KbCPQk1bWw9KUfp7nS9VVwNXxD6s, yurienu.
Last check of product page on by aleene.